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Dino Park Murree, A house of Dinosaurs, Pakistan

                 Dino Park Murree: A Journey Back in Time to the Mesozoic Era Imagine stepping into a world where colossal dinosaurs once roamed the Earth, where you can witness these ancient giants up close and personal. Welcome to Dino Park Murree, a thrilling and educational amusement park that takes you on an exciting journey back in time to the Mesozoic Era. Located in the picturesque hill station of Murree, Pakistan, Dino Park is a one-of-a-kind attraction that captivates visitors of all ages with its life-size dinosaur replicas, educational exhibits, and prehistoric adventures. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating world of Dino Park Murree and the wonders it has to offer. DINO PARK The Mesozoic Adventure: Dino Park Murree transports visitors to a time long gone—the Mesozoic Era—when dinosaurs ruled the Earth. As you enter the park, you'll be greeted by an awe-inspiring sight: life-size and incredibly realistic dinosaur replicas scattered throughout the land





NOTE: We, being human beings, strongly condemn the attack of Israil on innocent Muslim of Palestine.


    Al Masjid Al Aqsa has an exceptionally uncommon spot in the hearts of the whole Muslim people group because of its interesting and rich history as a position of love that is so firmly interweaved with the existences of a considerable lot of the Prophets of Islam, just as for its extraordinary status as a Masjid to which travel is suggested and in which prize is expanded. 


    It is an extraordinary and favored Masjid of huge size containing 144,000 square meters in size (covering around 1/sixth of the whole space of the Old City of Jerusalem) and with ability to oblige in the area of 500,000 admirers.

NOTE: For a more nitty gritty investigation of the set of experiences, Prophetic missions and for a similar investigation of the meaning of Jerusalem as set out in the Torah, Bible and Qur'an, we would unequivocally suggest the online book "Rising above Jerusalem". It is v adroit and is composed by a Jewish believer to Islam. The book can be discovered for nothing at www.transcendingjerusalem.com.


    Al Masjid Al Aqsa was the primary qibla in Islam and it has been a critical and significant spot of love for the Prophets of Islam. It was constructed 40 years after Al Masjid Al Haram in Makkah. There is a distinction of assessment among researchers regarding who precisely fabricated Al Masjid Al Aqsa, for certain researchers and history specialists declaring the view that Al Masjid Al Aqsa was worked by Prophet Adam (AS), and others believing that it was worked by Prophet Ibrahim (AS). It has additionally been revamped, remodeled and extended commonly throughout the entire existence of Islam.

    It was a notable spot of love at the hour of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and for his child Prophet Ishaq (AS) and grandson Prophet Yaqub (AS). At the point when Prophet Yaqub's child Prophet Yusuf (AS) achieved a place of force in Egypt, he requested that his family go along with him and departure the destitution that immersed Palestine. Scriptural sources guarantee this incorporated his dad Prophet Yaqub (AS) and Prophet Yusuf's kin and their youngsters [Book of Genesis], and that there were 33 altogether ( Wa Allahu Aalam). Now, as there was nobody left among Prophet Yaqub's offspring to take care of Al Masjid Al Aqsa (which at the time had the name of "Beteyel" or "Place of God"), care for this favored spot was depended to the local populace of the land (who were additionally adherents of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)), the Palestinians.

Difference between Dome Of the Rock and Al Masjid Al Aqsa-Palestine 

    The Israelies who deliberately emigrated to Egypt looking for a superior material life stayed there for roughly four centuries and became captives to the Egyptians. This subjection possibly finished when Prophet Musa (AS) liberated them from Firaoun under the order of Allah. Be that as it may, the Israeliess dismissed the sets of Allah to get back to Palestine and were in this way told to live in and meander through the desert of Sinai for a very long time. This finished when another age was conceived, containing inside it Prophet Daoud (AS), who drove his age of adherents to Palestine.

    Prophet Daoud (AS) set up his realm in piece of Palestine, and controlled Jerusalem. His child Prophet Suleiman (AS) revamped Al Masjid Al Aqsa with the assistance of the nearby native populace and close to it he fabricated the ruler's castle. After Prophet Suleiman's passing, his two children separated his realm among themselves with each having its own capital. These realms existed for a brief time frame – roughly 200 years, with the last ruler of Jerusalem in this line being deposed in 586/587 BC as he attempted to oppose the Babylonians (drove by King Nebuchadnezzar) however flopped because of a devastating attack that the Babylonians had set on the city.

    Soon after the Babylonians assumed responsibility for Jerusalem, Al Masjid Al Aqsa was obliterated once more.

    The Persians ousted the Babylonians (during which time endeavors to remake Al Masjid Al Aqsa as a position of love were re-established), yet in the period from there on proprietorship changed hands various occasions, and Al Masjid Al Aqsa was annihilated, reconstructed and afterward obliterated again inside a century by the Romans in 70 AD after a revolt around there.

    By 315-325 AD, when the Roman Emperor Constantine changed over to Christianity, the Romans and individuals dwelling in their territory (counting the Jews) not, at this point had any respect for Al Masjid Al Aqsa and not, at this point regarded it as a position of holiness and love, with the site of Al Masjid Al Aqsa really being utilized as a position of garbage removal for the residents of the city. This is the manner by which Al Masjid Al Aqsa remainded for the following not many hundred years until the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) resuscitated by and by the other worldliness of this favored spot, and his incredible buddy Umar Ibn Al Khattab (RA) freed the city.


    Al Masjid Al Aqsa had an exceptionally special spot in the existence of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) for some reasons. Right off the bat, as Al Masjid Al Aqsa was vital to the existences of a large number of his kindred Prophets (similarly as with) whom he shared a remarkable bond (as the Islam educated by Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is a continuation, finishing and flawlessness of the religion and message of monotheism lectured by every one of the prophets of Allah including Prophet Adam (AS), Prophet Nuh (AS), Prophet Ibrahim (AS) (of whom Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) was a relative through his child Ismaeel (AS)), Prophet Musa (AS), Prophet Daoud (AS), Prophet Suleiman (AS), and Prophet Isa (AS) to give some examples), Al Masjid Al Aqsa additionally by definition had a focal spot in his life and heart. Also, up until the second year of Hijra (623/624 AD), the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) turned and confronted Al Masjid Al Aqsa as the heading for his petitions.


    In the course of his life however, the most noteworthy motivation behind why Al Masjid Al Aqsa has such importance is on the grounds that it was the spot to which he went the evening of Israa, and it was the area from which he made his Miraaj to the Heavens.

    In the books of Hadith, we discover that the Prophet (SAWW) went to visit the Ka'bah around evening time, and nodded off. The Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) at that point stirred him and drove him to a winged white monster named Buraq. It was on Buraq that the Prophet (SAWW) at that point made the excursion to Jerusalem (an excursion that would commonly require 40 days) in only one groundbreaking evening. On arriving at Jerusalem, the Prophet (SAWW) met and drove every one of the past Prophets in supplication at the site of Al Masjid Al Aqsa, and afterward left on the Miraaj to the Heavens.

Palestine-Al Masjid Al Aqsa-A Holy place where Hazrat Mohammad (SAWW) offered prayer

 The excursion of Israa was such a groundbreaking event that Allah uncovered stanzas identifying with this excursion in the Holy Quran – "Celebrated be He [Allah] Who took His worker for an excursion around evening time from Al Masjid Al Haram to Al Masjid Al Aqsa, whose regions We favored, all together that We may give him a portion of Our Indications. Verily He is the All Hearing, All Seeing" [17:1].

    After the passing of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), the second khalif of Islam (who was likewise a nearby partner of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW)), Umar Ibn Al Khattab (RA), entered and tolerantly freed Jerusalem (joined by 40,000 sahaba) on the greeting of the Christian chief at that point, without shedding blood and with the assurance of insurance for the lives, property and spots of love of others inside the city who wished to stay there. As Umar's (RA) character and attributes firmly took after and coordinated with those of the hero of Jerusalem prognosticated inside sacred texts, individuals of the city rushed to embrace and acknowledge his standard.

    As referenced before, when he showed up at the site of Al Masjid Al Aqsa in 637/638 AD, he didn't discover a position of supplication yet rather a plot of land that had been left desolate and had been utilized as a junk tip by the Romans. Both the Christians and the Jews were satisfied with the appearance of Umar and the Muslims, and with their simply rule.

    In 691/692AD, Abd' al Malik container Marwan started developing what is these days known as the Dome of the Rock on top of the stone which some accept was where Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) left on his Miraaj to the Heavens. Notwithstanding, it should be noticed that whether or not the stone has significance thus, its fundamental importance gets from it being inside the limits of Al Masjid Al Aqsa and accordingly part of Al Masjid Al Aqsa.

    The Muslims lost Al Masjid Al Aqsa to the Crusaders in 1099 AD and were the survivors of one of the haziest and most grisly days in its set of experiences. On appearance into Jerusalem. the Crusaders declared that they would not take any detainees, bringing about a huge extent of the Muslims escaping to Al Masjid Al Aqsa to look for shelter. The Crusaders later entered the favored Masjid and slaughtered a great many Muslims inside. Al Masjid Al Aqsa was then changed over into a castle, and it required 88 years before the Muslims recovered it in 1187 under the initiative of the incredible pioneer Salahuddin Ayyubi. His recovery of Jerusalem and Al Masjid Al Aqsa was suggestive of Umar Ibn Al Khattab's (RA) freedom five centuries sooner, and was an unmistakable difference to the activities of the Crusaders simply an age earlier. Like Umar Ibn Al Khattab (RA), Salahuddin Ayabbi didn't permit a slaughter of regular folks or officers, and subsequent to recovering Al Masjid Al Aqsa he likewise utilized his own hands to clean the favored land, and broadly sprinkled rosewater through the Masjid.

    The Muslims indeed had unhindered control of Jerusalem and Al Masjid Al Aqsa for a critical time frame – roughly eight centuries – and their standard was described by harmony, equity and thriving, with Al Masjid Al Aqsa.

We being Mulims also believe that once there will be again a complete control of Muslims upon the Al Masjid Al Aqsa and that time is not so far now.


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Dino Park Murree, A house of Dinosaurs, Pakistan